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Undergraduate Programs  for Bachelor's Degree

Majors 2 majors :  1.  Chinese Language   2.  Teach Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages
 4 research orientations:  1.   Tourism Chinese;          2.   Chinese Language Education
                                            3.    Business Chinese;        4.    Chinese Language and Culture  
 The first 2 years focus on language study. Research orientations start from 3rd year.
Length of Time
for Class
Standard length of time for class is 4 years, may finish in 2 to 6 years. Students are allowed to join in the undergraduate program from the 2nd-year or the 3rd-year program.
Admission Requirements
for Undergraduates
of  Bachelor's Degree
1.With at least senior high school certificate, provide relevant certificate and transcript in English or Chinese.
2.With according certificate and transcript of Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK)
3.Pass the admission test of ICCS, SHNU

• Audition students are allowed for 1st-year, 2nd-year and 3rd-year program.
• Students are allowed to join the 2nd-year and the 3rd-year undergraduate program. 
• Download Admission Requirements of Undergraduates for Bachelor's Degree 
  to get detailed information.

Application Materials 1. Application Form for Bachelor's Degree
 2. Copy of the certificate of final degree (Documents in language other than
     Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or
 3. Copy of the certificate and transcript of Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) 
 4. Copy of valid passport with the applicant’s photo on it
 5. Four photos (passport-photo size)
 6. Application fee: RMB 520
 Note:  3 copies of items 1 - 4 are needed. 
 All the application materials will not be returned to the applicants.
Application Deadline July 15 (Classes usually start in early September)
Time of Admission Test Early September
Certificate Certificate of Bachelor Degree will be granted if student gets the required credits and
  HSK Certificate, and passes the graduation thesis defense.
Class Time 20 credit hours per week. 45 minutes per credit hour.
 Classes are held at 8:00 am - 12:15 am, 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm from Monday to Friday.
Classroom Xuhui Campus


Courses of the major of Chinese Language
Courses of the major of Teach Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages
 160 credits in total for four years. 20 credits per semester.


ClubsCalligraphy, Painting, Er Hu (Chinese traditional musical instrument), Taiji, Kung Fu, Yoga, Modern Dance, etc.
Other ActivitiesChinese Corner, Speech Contest, International Culture Festival, KARAOKE Contest, Sports Meeting, Christmas Party, etc.


 ICCS organizes field trip every semester


 Application fee:  RMB 520
 Tuition fee: 
 Grade One & Grade Two:      RMB 9,000 per semester;   RMB 18,000 per academic year
 Grade Three & Grade Four:  RMB 9,900 per semester;    RMB 19,800 per academic year

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